
[Requests Accepted] [かまくら堂] 狙われた新米魔法少女~最弱おじさん怪人相手なら新人でも負けるはずがない~ [RJ01044750]

The monster is weak and has been thoroughly tormented by the magical girls. However, at one point, it suddenly thought, "Maybe I could win against a rookie who doesn't even know how to fight properly..." All of the enemy's attacks are erotic. To take revenge for all the grievances it has suffered, the monster will mercilessly engage in lewd acts! Equipped with a transformation release & re-transformation system. When the gauge drops below 30%, you will be forcibly transformed back! However! If the gauge recovers to half over time, you can transform again! Fun after defeat. If you lose, of course, you will be taken away...

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