[Requests Accepted] [林芭 大地] ぱくぱくゾンビくん [RJ01123042]
"Pakupaku Zombie-kun" is a BL action game. You control the protagonist, a hungry zombie boy named Pato, who has emerged from the graveyard, and go out to eat various delicious (?) foods. When you enter a dungeon, food, monsters, and obstacles are randomly placed. If you eat all the food scattered throughout the dungeon, an entrance to the next floor will appear, so let's do our best to reach the deepest part! There are a total of 5 types of stages, with one bonus dungeon after clearing the game. Each stage contains between 5 to 25 floors. At the deepest part of the dungeon, there will be a heartwarming event with a corresponding older brother character. There are 7 event CGs, including the opening. The playtime is approximately 1 hour. After clearing the bonus dungeon, there is a bonus ending. Additionally, once you clear the game even once, you can dive into your favorite dungeon as many times as you like to play. The demo version allows you to play up to clearing the first village stage. Game attributes: BL / Action / Insects / Zombie Boy 【Controls】 - ↑↓←→……Move character - Z key………Confirm / Attack - X key………Cancel - F5…………Toggle fullscreen & windowed - F1…………Configuration Website (with strategy page) https://hayashibadaichi.web.fc2.com/ FANBOX https://hayashibadaichi.fanbox.cc/ *To play this game, you need the "RTP" for "RPG Maker VX Ace." Please download it from the following site before enjoying the game. https://tkool.jp/products/rtp.html
- Title: ぱくぱくゾンビくん
- Release Date: 2023-11-25 16:00 JST
- Product Number: RJ01123042
- Genre: Fantasy, Heartwarming, Boys' Love (BL)
- Work Format: Action
- Circle: 林芭 大地