[Requests Accepted] [Midnight Cupcakes] 猫ちゃんを救え!:消防車ミッション [RJ01155534]
A simple and cute fire truck game for kids "Rescue Meow: Fire Truck Mission" is a child-friendly game exclusive to Panic's handheld gaming device, Playdate. *While the logo and a small amount of text will be displayed in English, the game is designed to be easily playable even for those who do not understand English. Drive the fire truck and use the crank to raise and lower the ladder to rescue the kittens! You can also sound the realistic siren of the fire truck. How to Play Use the fire truck's ladder to rescue the kittens. Collect 10 to clear the level. Left/Right buttons: Move the fire truck forward and backward Up/Down buttons: Raise and lower the ladder Crank: Raise and lower the ladder A button: Siren sound B button: Horn sound What is Playdate Playdate is a handheld gaming device by Panic, featuring a monochrome 1-bit screen and a crank handle that can be turned. Although Playdate is a small and fun device, there were no simple games available for young children, despite its cute design and fun crank. This game was created to address that need! When your child wants to play on the Playdate, during short waiting times at restaurants or hospitals, this game will surely come in handy! How to Install Installing on the Playdate device is easy using the sideload feature. *Account registration is required. 1. Access the sideload page on the Playdate website (https://play.date/account/sideload/) 2. Drag and drop the downloaded ZIP file to register it 3. On the Playdate device, go to "Settings > Games," select this title, and download it.
- Title: 猫ちゃんを救え!:消防車ミッション
- Release Date: 2024-02-17 00:00 JST
- Product Number: RJ01155534
- Genre: Animal/Pet, Heartwarming
- Work Format: Action
- Circle: Midnight Cupcakes