[Requests Accepted] [ネコミトリ] ポンチョっ娘【Mac版】 [RJ152381]
When I went to her house after she called me, it seemed that the air conditioner was broken. She was wearing a poncho because it was cold. Girl: "The air conditioner is broken." Boy: "Is that so?" After checking the power and the remote, it indeed wouldn't turn on. Girl: "Fix it." Boy: "I can't. I have to tell the manager." I asked the manager to arrange for the repairs. She had put on the poncho because she was cold. Girl: "Huh?" Girl: "↓ I'm not wearing anything underneath." Boy: "Seriously!?" Girl: "It's fine, you can lift it up." This work overlaps in content with "Poncho Girl (RJ129549)."
- Title: ポンチョっ娘【Mac版】
- Release Date: 2015-03-25 00:00 JST
- Product Number: RJ152381
- Genre: Long Hair, Internal Ejaculation, Normal Play, Lovers
- Work Format: Digital Novel
- Circle: ネコミトリ
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