Manami, a beautiful heiress known in the neighborhood, has a complicated family situation despite her affluent lifestyle. Her husband recently passed away due to illness, leaving her alone in a large house. Concerned for her, her aunt Nahoko, who lives nearby, often visits her. Manami, who has no children of her own, is very fond of the neighborhood kids, including Seiya. Since childhood, Seiya has harbored an unrequited love for the elegant and kind-hearted Manami.
Meanwhile, the protagonist Seiya is a struggling job-seeker living alone in an apartment while attending university. With an abnormal level of sexual desire and kinks, Seiya has enjoyed various perverse activities with his girlfriends in the past. However, for the past few months, he has been single and feeling lonely.
One day, while browsing a bulletin board on his computer, Seiya's eyes are drawn to an image. It is Manami, the object of his affection. This triggers a surge of feelings for her, alongside an overwhelming sexual desire.
As he ponders about Manami, he spends his days in a state of turmoil...
★ Enjoy a variety of intense erotic situations featuring a voluptuous mature woman and hypnosis ★
Original Artwork: Saruno / Hanarani Fukunooka
Scenario: Takayuki Miyahara
Voice Actors: Moe Ito / Yuu Shimotsuki
Character Introduction
Manami (cv. Moe Ito)
Character Introduction
Nahoko (cv. Yuu Shimotsuki)