[Requests Accepted] [鈴の音] 羞恥乃学園~制服がないので裸で授業を受けました。~ [RJ194122]
【Story】 The protagonist, Aya Hoshino, is a girl attending Shuchi Academy. After finishing morning practice for her club, she goes to change but finds that her uniform, which she had left in the changing room, is missing. With no other choice, Aya decides to wear the gym clothes for her class, but she is reprimanded for attending class in anything other than her uniform, which is against school rules. If she violates the school rules, she could be reported to the police and undoubtedly arrested. Unable to break the rules, Aya ends up attending class in her underwear... 【Game System】 This is an adventure game from a girl's perspective. There are choices to make, and what you choose will determine her future. Will you put her through a terrible experience, or will you help her? It’s all up to you. 【Notes】 Please be sure to check the operation in the demo version. In the demo version, you can play up to the second period.
- Title: 羞恥乃学園~制服がないので裸で授業を受けました。~
- Release Date: 2017-02-07 00:00 JST
- Product Number: RJ194122
- Genre: Shame/Humiliation, School/Academy, Student, Forced/Coerced, Girl
- Work Format: Adventure
- Circle: 鈴の音