
[Requests Accepted] [MuMu-Factory] 女子トイレを覗く話-トイレ争奪戦!- [RJ195308]

The girls have come to the restroom... However, there is only one stall available! That means... They have no choice but to fight!! This is an action game where a total of 10 girls, including 5 new characters added to those appearing in "The Story of Peeking into the Girls' Restroom," battle for the right to use the restroom. If you win the fight, you'll get to peek at the girls' embarrassing restroom scenes. *Note that there may be overlaps with characters from "The Story of Peeking into the Girls' Restroom," but all of the old characters' flashback scenes have been completely redone. *Since this is an action game, the use of a gamepad is recommended. (You can also control it with a keyboard.) *In the demo version, only "Anna" can be controlled. *Please make sure to check the operation in the demo version. *There may be bug fixes and updates in the future. This work has some content overlap with "The Story of Peeking into the Girls' Restroom (RJ187362)."

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