
[Requests Accepted] [Contrast Delta] どうしていじわるするの? [RJ204487]

【Story】 - After school in the old gym storage. I am being bullied by someone... Today, I am made to wear a swimsuit under my uniform, and I wait for that person. "I’m going to be... teased again..." With a mix of fear and hidden pleasure, my heart races as a secret after-school moment for just the two of us is about to begin. 【Contents】 The main story is available in JPEG image format. Main story audio in mp3 format (CV: Hiiro Mamiya) ● Number of CGs Main story: 56 images (1600×1200) Materials: Basic 10 images + variations + standing images, totaling 23 images (2400×1800) Total: 79 images ● Update Information - September 2, 2017: Added main story app. The smartphone version does not include the main story audio in mp3 format or the main story app.

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