
[Requests Accepted] [TOMOFUMI TERADA] チャイナエステにGO!-東京八王子編- [RJ280537]

To you who are tired from daily work, Thank you for your hard work every day. In this stressful society, we will heal you with a massage as you go through your tough daily life. A kind and cute therapist will do their best to provide relaxation, so let’s enjoy a relaxing time together (*´▽`*) Please note that we operate by appointment only, so we kindly ask you to make a reservation in advance (※). ※: We kindly ask you to refrain from using public phones or private numbers. ーーーーー Here is an introduction to the materials we used. Thank you as always. 【Tools】 RPG Maker MV (C) 2015 KADOKAWA CORPORATION./YOJI OJIMA Heroine Character Generator (C) 2020 Gee-kun-soft Procreate (C) Savage Interactive Pty Ltd Easy Pose Park Kiyoung (C) 2018 Madcatgames 【BGM】 OtoLogic https://otologic.jp 【Drawing Reference】 Pose & Cut Collection for Erotic Artists DESSIN POSE 【Background Images】 Digital Background Catalog Marl Corporation

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