くノ一 美霧 疾走伝

[Requests Accepted] [Lunar Read Palace] くノ一 美霧 疾走伝 [RJ286379]

**Genre** Run and jump action (automatic side-scrolling) **Overview** Apprentice kunoichi "Mikiri" challenges certification exams and messenger missions! Overcome various obstacles and sprint through the journey! **Game Features** - A total of 7 stages. All stages are selectable. - Loop animations for binding attacks during action parts, and defeat graphics. 8 types of enemy binding attacks + 4 types of trap-related defeats. - Game over H events: Basic CGs 7 images + variations, (Ver1.1.0) 2 additional shunga CGs. - Earn money based on score. Boosts for stamina at the start and item carrying capacity through shopping. - CG mode. Game over CGs are unlocked. (Ver1.1.0) Save data with unlocked shunga CGs included. - Animation mode with zoom feature. *** Important Notice Before Purchase *** * Please verify startup and functionality with the trial version.

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