
[Requests Accepted] [AxiaBridge] サブリミナルレジオン [RJ293285]

Deep beneath the world's surface, that realm is like glass―― The first game of the Sorcerer's Records series, Season 3, is here! Experience an even more mature story of Sorcerer's Records than ever before! Synopsis In 2018, eight years after the collapse of faith. Three young sorcerers belonging to the Ministry of Defense's Special Armed Forces—Yoshimuro Michiharu, Inaba Kazuya, and Kurauchi Mizuki—are on a mission to resolve incidents related to magical circles that occurred almost simultaneously. As the team carries out their mission, they begin to recall their own pasts and confront them once again. Meanwhile, the headquarters of the Special Armed Forces is discovering strange commonalities among each of the missions―― Staff Scenario: Hada Sora Character Design: Mizuki/Kameyoshi Ichiko/MATSUNOKI/Axel Graphic Works/PomU (Event still cooperation) Music: Jun Kuroda Movie: Kito Ya Theme Song Vocal: Xue Nan

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