[Requests Accepted] [Melon Pants] 클론 소녀 마리네 [RJ331530]
--Synopsis-- Deep within a certain research facility, there were countless girls who looked exactly alike. Their names were Marine (Identification Number: marine-AI). They were test subjects in a top-secret cloning research project conducted by the government. From the moment they were born, they had lived deep underground in the research facility. The only joy they found was chatting with each other, fellow clones. To outsiders, they appeared to be unhappy girls, but they were content. For them, that place was their entire world—ignorance can indeed be bliss. However, one day, Marine accidentally overheard researchers discussing the use of clones. Many clones were being traded as tools for sexual gratification. Shocked, Marine decided to tell her fellow clones everything and to escape from there. But the researchers intervened when they tried to leave, sending monstrous creatures born from the same horrific experiments to stop them. Will Marine be able to escape…? --Marine-- A test subject of the cloning experiment. She is the first girl born among over 100 clones. Originally, she had only focused on studying, and she has a modest and serious personality. She is nearsighted and cannot see anything without her glasses. Not only is she uninterested in sexual matters, but she also has no interest in fashion or makeup. She loves studying, which makes her knowledgeable. She is capable of logical thinking through her intellectual prowess. She is the type who will stop at nothing to achieve her goals, and upon learning the truth, she desperately wishes to escape the research facility.
- Title: 클론 소녀 마리네
- Release Date: 2021-06-24 00:00 JST
- Product Number: RJ331530
- Genre: Humiliation, Inter-species Sex, Shame/Humiliation, Ahegao, Tentacles, Glasses, Rape, Group Play/Orgy
- Work Format: Role-Playing
- Circle: Melon Pants