
[Requests Accepted] [H.Dragon.Games] 闇の賞金稼ぎ~王国処刑~ [RJ377053]

■Story The Holy Knight Order, aiming to abolish the aristocracy, has become the target for the extinction of the kingdom's nobles. To achieve this, the nobles are arrested by members of the "organization" and publicly executed. From the perspective of the common people, the knight order appears to be the champions of justice. However, the bounty hunters of the organization are not allies of justice. Their only goal is to capture bounties and earn rewards. The arrested members of the knight order meet a tragic end... ■Character Random Generation ■Combat Controls Press "J" to perform a combo attack. A maximum of 3 hits can be chained, with the third hit dealing the most damage. Press "I" to attack with a thrust. The charge attack allows you to close in on the enemy. Press "K" to defend. By pressing at the right timing, you can resist attacks. Defense can be used continuously. Press "L" to evade. You can change the direction of your evasion using the directional keys. Evasion is generally easier to avoid enemy attacks than defense. Press "Q" to expend magic eyes and attack with a powerful sword energy. It cannot be used if you do not have enough magic eyes. ■Execution Records After completing a mission, execution records will be added. Recorded executions can be viewed freely (up to 100 entries). Before an execution, you can select the restraints to be used. View execution records. ■Free Mode Free mode will be unlocked upon reaching Rank 6. You can customize characters, executions, and the number of executions. ■Other ◆Controls Menu Navigation: Use the "←" "→" "↑" "↓" keys Menu Confirm: "J" or "Enter" Menu Cancel: "K" Menu Exit: "Esc" Battle Movement: "A" "D" "W" "S" Battle Attack: "J" Battle Charge Attack: "I" Battle Guard: "K" Battle Evade: "L" Battle Special Attack: "Q" In some cases, mouse control is available. In free mode, only the mouse can be used. ◆How to Play Accept quests, strategize, and level up your rank. If you want to trade or check combat controls, ask the person in black clothing.

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