[Requests Accepted] [Men pub] ゆっくりRPGしていってねVer1.05 体験版 引き継ぎ可能!! [RJ382785]
Transferable!! This game can be directly transferred to the main game. How to transfer: 1. Copy the save file located in the www folder of this game. 2. Paste the copied save file into the www folder of the main game. By following these two steps, you can easily transfer your save data. Elements not playable in the demo: Infinite Dungeon - Events occurring in the infinite dungeon, obtainable items, characters, weapons, armor, skills, and techniques. - Some important events - Acquisition of some important characters - Acquisition of certain items, characters, weapons, armor, and skills - Some boss battles - End content Elements playable in the demo 1: Coliseum - Participation in the coliseum - Acquisition of new items - Progression of important events Tavern - Acquisition of new characters - Some events - Hidden characters Church - Ability to change to advanced classes like Necromancer Mining and Blacksmith - Collection of important ores - Creation of new weapons and armor Elements playable in the demo 2: Fishing - Acquisition of new items, weapons, and armor - Gacha elements - Some important events - Limited-time event "Strength Contest" and others - Dojo - Other hidden bosses, hidden events, and hidden stages Additional Notes: - There may be errors when equipping certain armor, so please save your game before equipping. - The demo allows for quite a bit of gameplay up to the latter half of the story.
- Title: ゆっくりRPGしていってねVer1.05 体験版 引き継ぎ可能!!
- Release Date: 2022-03-29 16:00 JST
- Product Number: RJ382785
- Genre: Touhou Project, Pixel Art
- Work Format: Role-Playing
- Circle: Men pub