
[Requests Accepted] [propeller] propeller燃焼系3本パック [VJ01002204]

The "Ayakashi Bito," "Bullet Butlers," and "Chronobelt: Ayakashi Bito & Bullet Butlers Crossover Disk" are now available in a set as the Propeller Burning Series Triple Pack! **Featured Works Introduction** - **Ayakashi Bito** For Kisaragi Tōnana, a peaceful daily life was something irreplaceable. However, with the government and sinister entities targeting her for a "certain secret" of Kisaragi Suzu, Tōnana's fight to protect his peaceful life and loved ones begins now. - **Bullet Butlers** When Rand, the chosen descendant known as the "Mystic One," is assassinated in modern times, the small world surrounding the protagonist Rick and Rand's daughter Selma begins to undergo significant turmoil. - **Chronobelt: Ayakashi Bito & Bullet Butlers Crossover Disk** The main content consists of side stories from the three works. The first two, "The Temporary Travelers" and "Revenge is the Work of God," have intertwined plots, and they become even more closely connected in the final story, "Chronobelt." This work includes the following content. Please be careful to avoid duplicate purchases when making your purchase. - "Ayakashi Bito" - "Bullet Butlers" - "Chronobelt: Ayakashi Bito & Bullet Butlers Crossover Disk"

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