[リクエスト受付中] [BTCPN] NTRストーリ- 出張 [RJ01148579]
出張・・・初めは上司がつまらなくてうっとうしい女だと思っていた・・・。 しかしすぐにそれが間違いだと気づいた・・・。 上司は魅力的な女性だ。しかもセクシーな体をしている・・・。 彼氏がいつもそばにいるがこの機会を逃すわけにはいかない。 *女性上司と不道徳な行為を行いながら彼女の彼氏を避ける。 *君の女性上司が18以上のアニメーションシーンと共に君を待っている! ——————————————————————— "We had a Business trip, and I thought it would be a disappointing trip because my boss is a dull and annoying girl. I soon realized that I was completely wrong. My boss is a charming woman with a hot body. Although her boyfriend is always hanging around, I won't miss this opportunity." *Committing immoral actions with your female boss while avoiding her boyfriend *Your female boss is waiting for you with more than 18 animated scenes of her. (English product description provided by the creator.)