[リクエスト受付中] [thugzilladev] Pumpkin Eater [RJ364157]
彼得,食南瓜者彼得 有一个留不住的老婆 把老婆用南瓜皮包裹 老婆安安稳稳瓜里躲 《食南瓜者》心理恐怖视觉小说,讲的是一家人照顾他们的南瓜头儿子的故事。这本来是一个参加2021年Spooktober Jam比赛的作品。 要素: 一个45分钟的动态故事,坐稳,放松,开始享受这个疯狂的故事吧! 手绘插图 医学知识上的100%准确,包含一个术语表和事件时间线 ------------------------------------ Peter, Peter pumpkin eater, Had a wife but couldn't keep her; He put her in a pumpkin shell And there he kept her very well. Pumpkin Eater is a psychological horror visual novel about a family taking care of their pumpkin-headed son. This was originally a submission for the 2021 Spooktober Jam. Features: -A 45 minute kinetic story. Sit back, relax, and watch the insanity unfold -Hand drawn illustrations -100% medical accuracy, complete with a glossary and timeline of events -Other languages available are Turkish and Spanish. Email: thugzillaa@gmail.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThugzillaDev